Become certified

Companies wishing to join the NCS scheme and become certified must pay a subscription fee to the “Nordic Certification Scheme” and must fulfill all requirements specified in the Technical Regulations. Cost for certification is a matter for the individual approved certification body.

In order to be included in the certification scheme, please contact one of the following certification bodies:

Certification Bodies

The listed certification bodies are recognized by the technical committee of the Nordic Certified Scantlings scheme and are authorized to conduct audits and to issue certificates.


Research Institutes of Sweden
Lindholmspiren 7 A
SE-417 56 Göteborg
Contact person: Urban Häggström

Norsk Treteknisk Institut

Børrestuveien 3
NO-0373 Oslo
Contact person: Ivar Hansen/Per Lind

Byggeriets Kvalitetskontrol A/S

Ådalen 13 A
DK-6600 Vejen
Contact person: Morten Nørgaard

ift Rosenheim GmbH

Theodor-Gietl-Str. 7-9
D-83026 Rosenheim
Contact person: David Hepp